제9회 서울국제초단편영화제를 소개합니다.
The opening films of this year is better prepared than usual. Under the project ‘E-CUT for the Director,’ directed by MYEONG Sejin and starring YOON Seunga and directed by LEE Woosuk and starring KIM Mooyeol are screened for the opening. ‘E-CUT for the Director,’ which was launched in 2012, is a new format of production support project where actors donate their talents and the festival supports production costs. It’s aim is to provide opportunities for new talented directors and contribute to the activation of short films. A number of outstanding actors have participated in this project such as YUM Jungah, KIM Seohyung, and KIM Youngae and it has discovered talented directors who make excellent works every year and this year, YOON Seunga and KIM Mooyeol work with us. The actor, YOON Seunga, gave her second talent donation which makes the project more meaningful. The films starring with the two actors depict two different characters who cannot readily join our society. Through these two characters, we can look into the hidden side of our society.
The rest of the opening films are based on family background. is screened to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Brussels Short Film Festival. It is a story of Belgium, a country with diverse languages and cultures. In the midst of the clash, the father and son get entangled in diverse cultures, whereas they also give us a strange smile and deep impression through their cohesion. is a piece of work from the 1st Extreme-Short Film Academy in Yeongdeungpo. The grandfather and granddaughter do not understand each other, but they still love each other. It reemphasizes the meaning of family to us.
Bad Plan
Director. Sejin MYEONG
Suyeon with a sense of loneliness, depression and anger has prepared civil service examination and has not settled in long-term recession and severe j...
The Spy
Director. Woosuk LEE
RYU Jisung, an agent to South Korea. He has been dispatched in Seoul and succeeds in an assassination of LEE Hongnam, a soldier had defected to South ...
Director. Pablo MUNOZ GOMEZ
Jorges loves his father. His father loves a chicken. Jorge doesn't like the chicken. He wants it in a henhouse.
Grandfather And l
Director. LEE Seri
I may love him even I don't understand him. A trip to make unforgettable memory with my grandfather.
(사) 서울국제초단편영상제 · Tel. 070-8868-6850 · Fax. 02-522-6850