Director. Magdalena CHMIELEWSKA
Austria | 2018 | 29'51'' | German | Fiction | Color
It is night in Heaven Meadow, on the outskirts of Vienna. Injured and barefoot, Maya runs back home, to the city center. The next day, she spontaneous...
Director. Magdalena CHMIELEWSKA
Austria | 2016 | 6'38'' | German | Fiction | Color
What is pure imagination and what is reality? The dream-like portrayals Gretchen’s spinning and brooding in her love to Faust make it nearly impossibl...
Director. Magdalena CHMIELEWSKA
Austria | 2022 | 21'18'' | German | Fiction | Color
Seventeen-year-old Eva simply cannot sleep. In an Austrian province, where she lives with her father, her insomnia has become an unbearable interplay ...
Director. Magdalena CHMIELEWSKA
Austria | 2014 | 14'14'' | German | Fiction | B&W
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